Category Archives: Buisness related


Whew, after months and many late nights the new website and blog are done!!! During the MJ2 Day one of the only suggestions that Melissa had for me was to consider making my business name more personal (ie: my name). There were several reasons that she gave from a business prospective that made a lot of sense.   This was a bitter sweet change in a way. I like Captiva, it has been with me since well, the beginning. In the end though I paid a good deal of money for a someones opinion and well she has done very well so I went with it.  So, Captiva Photography became Heather Bee Photography as of 3:30 this morning:)

Let me give you a tour…

From now on if someone tries to go to my old website it will automatically direct you my new website.  I have brought all the old blog posts with me as well so we don’t lose anything:)  Here is the main page:

In my old website everything was together on one site.  Now though the weddings and engagements are on one site and all the portrait sessions are on their own site.

Here is the wedding site:

and the old website revamped and updated as the new portrait site:

As you might have noticed the blog looks a little different as well!!  I decided to go with a design that has smaller images due to so many people using laptops these days.  As I sit in many a coffee shops I notice how small the screens really can be and I want everyone to be able to see the entire image.  So, we’ll see how we like it but for now I do:)

Thanks for taking the time to check out my new sites!!!  If you follow my blog via RSS (Google Reader rocks!) please make sure to update your feed.

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I’ve been published!!!

This post has been a long time coming!  I was published the book Little Redheads Across America some time ago, but I never got around to blogging about it.  So, the other day I finally got the pictures taken!!!  Yay me:)

The premise of the book is this… has pics from kids in all 50 states.  The book has facts about red heads, the states, and so much more.  It is very well done and very cute!  To read the authors take on how the project got started, click here.

Onto the story behind how this happened.  I was contacted by a client who had heard about this book when it was still in the writing stages.  She had contacted the author and asked if they had anyone to represent Washington DC.  As it turns out they had one other at the time and welcomed another.  So, one day after church we took off to a playground and did a little mini photo shoot with Jonah.   I loved how it turned out!!


The Washington DC page and Jonah!


The books has all sorts of fun pages like this…




If you have a redhead in your family consider purchasing them a book from the website.

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Prevail in Business Seminar

This post is for those photographers out there.  In a few weeks Jared Bauman will be coming to the DC area to do the Prevail in Business SeminarJared has been a wedding photographer in the San Diego area for about 9 years now.  I personally have known Jared for 5 or so years and he is always such a wealth of information.  When I was starting out I had the opportunity to meet with Jared while in San Diego.  We were able to have an amazing lunch, where he shared so much information to help me succeed.  As a surprise after lunch I actually assisted him on a wedding!!!  I learned so much just by watching him and how he interacted with the client.   It personally was one of those experiences that changed photography as I knew it.   I personally can not wait to see Jared again and see what insight he has to share!!!  If you are a photographer, you should totally check it out.  🙂

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that time again….

Well, it is that time again.   I am booked solid for the rest of the year!  I do not take appointments again until March 15th (minus newborns).  I take this break for many reasons, but a main one is to recharge creatively.  With working two jobs I can get pretty tired by the time the holidays roll around.  So, I will update the blog with the shoots that are being edited right now as well as some personal images.  Now to go curl up with a mug of hot cocoa 🙂

and here is an image of my new puppy taken with my point & shoot (yes even photographers have small cameras)…..more pics of her later  🙂


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