Category Archives: Buisness related

Do Professional Photographers really make money?? ~ Alexandria Photographer

I have to admit I read WAY too many blogs.  It takes quite a bit of discipline some days not to sit and read for several hours……you know how it can be with Facebook & Twitter 🙂  Recently though I came across an interesting article on one of my business blogs.  It is a very interesting article on “Do Professional Photographers really make money?”.  It is such a good insight on the business side of running a photography business.  Take  second to look at it and I bet you will be surprised 🙂

and because all posts are better with a picture, here is a picture from last year to remind that Spring will come soon 🙂

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Holiday Mini Sessions!!

It is crazy to think but the holidays are just around the corner!!  This time of year tends to be pretty crazy for photographers.  So, in order to get a lot of you in before the holidays hit (and allow you to use images as gifts…hint hint 🙂 ) I am hosting mini sessions!  Let me know ASAP if you are interested as time slots go fast (send me an email at

When: Sunday, October 17th starting at 2:00pm

Where: The water front in Old Town Alexandria

Cost: $150 for a 30 minute session and the top 10-15 images on CD

….and because all posts are better with pictures, here is a photo of the sun setting over the Potomac River.  Have I ever mentioned that I love where I live  🙂

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