For the longest time I have been planning on switching my websites to a non-flash based site, but when you wear all the hats in the business carving the time out for this can be challenging 🙂 I started the process back in February though and am SOOOooooo thrilled to finally announce my new sites!!! The new sites are compatible with iPhones & iPads – yay!!! Let me take you on a quick tour….
The first page you will see….
Lets go to weddings….
Super proud of this page 🙂
Portrait site is similar but it is so nice to have all my babies & families on their own site….
FAQ page on the portrait site….
Birth stories finally have their own site! So for those of you who love birth photography you have your own place now 🙂 Side note – Isn’t Austin adorable? 🙂
There is a quick preview, but why not go check it out for yourself?
The month of April was unusually busy. I found myself hopping from one thing to another and just trying to keep up as the month flew by. The exception to the time warp though was the birth of Austin William. For those few (okay a little more than a few 🙂 ) hours time stood still. I watched a young couple transition into parents. It was beautiful, really it was. Rae, the mom, went into labor on her own the day before her due date and with a little encouragement Austin came into this world at 8:32pm. Austin was just perfect and very alert just moments after birth. Take a peak at their slideshow…..
Rae, Will & baby Austin – Thank you! Was honored to be a part of your journey. Give that baby boy kisses from me 🙂
It was a gorgeous Spring day!
Doesn’t Rae look gorgeous?
They decided to have the gender be a surprise – this is when Will, the dad, discovered that he was a father to a baby boy. The look was priceless 🙂
I try to always get a pic with baby before I leave – it comes with the job ya’know 🙂
Check out their birth slideshow (must have flash to play)…
Last Fall, I had the honor of being part of a mom’s journey in birthing her daughter that was unlike most. Jessica was very committed to a natural birth for her daughter and made plans to birth at Special Beginnings in Arnold, MD.  Jessica patiently waited for her daughter’s arrival, but knew there was no telling when the baby would come. We even did maternity photos after her due date since they could 🙂  At  two weeks overdue, Jessica consented to an ultrasound to measure the amount of amniotic fluid left.  Devastatingly, there was none.  Her midwife urged her to come to the hospital quickly to start an induction.  For a mom who wanted everything to go naturally, this was a very emotional step in her journey, but Jessica rolled with it and went home to get her things. On that same day though a hurricane decided to hit the East Coast 🙂  So, now even if labor had begun, Jessica would deliver at Anne Arundel Medical Center in Annapolis since the birthing center had lost its power. That night they tried two doses of Cervidil, but alas it didn’t move labor along. Day 2 came and they tried pitocin. Jessica was having a lot of contractions and in a lot of pain so we made the call for me to make the drive to Annapolis. After 9+ hours of pitocin induced contractions with no pain medication, her midwife checked and there had been no progress. Jessica was exhausted from a day of hard contractions so they stopped the pitocin and let her get some rest overnight. Day 3 came and they started pitocin again as well as a slew of other labor inducing techniques throughout the day. Still no progress – so around 8pm on the third evening, Jessica and Scott asked everyone to step out of the room while they grieved the loss of the birth they had planned and then made the call for a C-section. Jessica was such a trooper.  She was so disappointed the birth progressed the way it did, but in the end she had a beautiful and healthy daughter. I ended up being there for part of day 2 and post c-section. In their slideshow, though, I was able to get some snapshots her parents took to combine with my images making a more complete birth story.
Jessica & Scott – Thank you for sharing this journey with me. Your daughter is precious 🙂
A woman worshiping God during labor is a beautiful thing to watch…
Post C-Section when we were allowed in the room and Jessica revealed her baby girl’s name to her family. Favorite reaction ever!
Welcome Francesca!! On October 8th I was able to participate in a miracle – the miracle of a new baby. This part of the job never gets old 🙂 Vania’s water broke around 3am and they made their way to Frederick Memorial Hospital. Once she started progressing I headed up and waited with them as Vania progressed. At 4 cm Vania was stalled and the doctor recommended doing a c-section. Vania & Telmo waited an hour or so and then decided to proceed with the c-section. All in all labor went nothing like they expected but in the end they had a beautiful, healthy baby girl and that was all that mattered.
Vania & Telmo – thank you for inviting me to participate in your miracle. She is precious and I can’t wait for the next opportunity to see her 🙂
Calling the family in Portugal….
I love this one of Vania as a new mom discovering all the little features of her baby girl 🙂
Perk of the job is that I get to snuggle the new baby 🙂