Liam Jackson ~ Virginia Birth Photographer

I had the honor of helping welcome Liam into this world on January 4th.  His due date was Jan 3rd but he wanted to make his mark at the perfect time – born at 4:41 on 1/4/14.  Pretty cool eh? 🙂  His mom Crystal was a champion and held in there while Liam decided his arrival time.  So excited to be able to finally share his birth story with you.  Enjoy 🙂

virginia birth photographyvirginia birth photography

Love catching sweet moments like this in the middle of labor….

virginia birth photographyvirginia birth photographyvirginia birth photography

Precious boy 🙂

virginia birth photography

Check out their birth slideshow….


The birth of Liam Jackson from Heather Behlendorf on Vimeo.

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