As the due date approached I anxiously anticipated the call that Simone’s mom was in labor. Her due date came and went and poor mom was still very much pregnant. At almost 42 weeks the doctors/widwives (Wisdom Midwifery) decided that for a variety of reasons they needed to help things along. After many hours Simone arrived weighing in at 9 lbs 1.2 oz & 21 in long. It was such a pleasure meeting this family and celebrating in their long awaited miracle. For privacy reasons I will not be sharing the birth slideshow but here is one image from after she was born…
Isn’t she a doll?? Around a month old we were able to do her newborn session in the couple’s home. For this post I am going to show all black & white images. I love how classic they look and Simone was a perfect model 🙂
I LOVE this one with her mommy……so precious!
I think that this image (or something like it) is a request of every newborn session client…it is always a classic though:)
Soooo sweet! I love her little mouth.
thanks Kim!
[…] doing portraits is that I get to see families grow. I was honored to photograph the birth of baby Simone last November and then do her newborn portraits shortly before Christmas. So, when I got an email […]