In general we have had a very mild winter here in the Northern Virginia area. Take today for example, it was something like 58 degrees! I was able to take a walk with my puppy for almost 2.5 miles and with only a hoodie on! We have had a few days though that were unbearable cold (especially since we are not used to it right now). Well, it was on one of those days that Lauren & Nick met up with me for their engagement session 🙂 Nick is military and was only in town for a handful of days and that day was the only day we could do their engagement session. We had a great time though! I might have looked like the una-bomber in my outfit (layers upon layers with a hoodie under my coat), but it made for good laughs 🙂
Since Nick is Air Force they decided that they would like that to be part of their session. We ended up using the Air Force memorial and then heading over to the Potomac River for a few shots as well.
Lauren & Nick – It was a blast! Thanks for being such troopers in the freezing temps and I can’t wait till your June wedding!
Probably my favorite!
They love the water so much! So after we warmed up some we headed over to Gravely Point and grabbed a few images of them with the water.
Lauren I love this one of you!
FABULOUS! How do I order?
[…] They first met in a class at George Mason. Nick was interested and Lauren wasn’t so sure. Nick won her over though and the rest is history These cuties were married just over a month ago in a traditional ceremony at Holy Trinity in Georgetown. It was a gorgeous day (and much warmer than when we did their engagement session)! […]